Use the mouse to arrange the books on the shelf and influence how you can see the world. Move around with WASD or the arrows, and use space to jump. Be careful falling from great heights, though: see if you can find an easier way.

Our third game jam, this time in collaboration with the amazing Basement Adjacent!

Switch between playing as an adventurer and a librarian, as they work together to solve a mythical mystery and find a missing medallion. The story you create affects the world you explore. Can you collect all the books and verses to make sure the story has a happy ending?

We hope you enjoy it, we had a lot of fun (and sleepless nights) making it!

Music used:

Un repos bien mérité - by Dogers -érité 

Unofficial Wii Sports Soundtrack "Wii Croquet" - Gabriel Gundacker (used with permission) -

Known bugs:

If the books get stuck on top of each other, just go back to forth to the scene where you put the verses in. Right clicking the stack should return them all to starting spot.

Published 4 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, HTML5
AuthorThe Wondering Vagabond
GenrePuzzle, Adventure
Made withGodot


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(1 edit)

incredible concept! very glitchy right now, could use some optimization, but i absolutely love the mechanics. the verses being able to change the book is so clever and took me by surprise!

Good idea!